
Friday, March 8, 2013

Subject Choices

My subject choices for next year are due on Tuesday. We only carry on 3 of our A levels, and get to drop the other one. Up until yesterday I was sure that I wanted to drop German, but after yesterdays reslts I am thinking that maybe I should drop Biology. The thing is the thought of doing German for another year after this fills me with dread. The only thing that has been getting me through German this year is that I can drop it at the end of the year. At the same time as hating it though, I kind of like learning German. But I prefer Biology. I think that maybe I am better at German though, and I don't want to carry on Biology if I get a bad grade again in the summer.

If only I could drop them both, and just do Psychology and History. That would make me very happy. But that cannot happen, so I shall have to choose one. It is just so hard to decide which one I am less rubbish at (even though for some reason my predicted grades are A's).

Freya x

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